GROUND ZERO: Fukushima

She’s alive,
she still simmers
waiting for someone to
fall asleep at the console, or
not pour enough water over her
spent uranium rods, which steam and thirst,
fuses lit, then drenched, then lit again as if by evil
magic. Stock up on iodine pills just in case she implodes…
Japan has
plans to
Tokyo so
sleep tight.


looks like it’ll be a long winter

© 2012 Amy Barlow Liberatore/Sharp Little Pencil

For ABC Wednesday, the letter is Z. Zero. Zilch. Zip. Which is what we’ll be if the US doesn’t step up… did you know they have had THREE meltdowns at Fukushima? That’s two more than Chernobyl.  And have we heard about any of this from the American media?  No!  Why?  Not because they are “liberal,” (the left would be all over this) but because the TV stations, papers, and radio stations are owned by power (plant) brokers and their elitist ilk.  Makes me want to rent “The China Syndrome” again.  This will also be in the side bar at Poets United.  Peace, Amy