Sid the Kid NOW

NOW! (with Sid the Kid)

Now is the time
to sing our songs
while we’ve breath in our bodies and
souls that speak out loud
those thoughts that were heretofore
only whispered

Now is the time
to sing our songs
Our collective outpouring
of grand illusions
grander delusions
of elusive goals that never
leave our sights

“If not now, when?”
We don’t do ‘then’
We won’t surrender
the immediacy of this impulse

We want it now
We sing it now
We create it now

© 2015 Amy Barlow Liberatore/Sharp Little Pencil

About time I introduced you to Sid the Kid, previously known as A Guy (and usually accompanied by His Ancestor, who shall remain hidden for the moment!). Sid has morphed over the years into an androgynous kid, always full of fun and optimism. I’ve been drawing him for years, much to the delight of my dear friend Sidnie, for whom I have named my little buddy… even though Sidnie is about as cis-gender a woman as I have ever met, lol.

For ABC Wednesday, the letter N… where our fearless leader, Mrs. Nesbitt, quotes John Donne and we all bring our best alphabetically minded selves to the table! An homage to the eternal liveliness of spring. May the season stir us all from our winter lairs of mind and spirit… if indeed that is where we are stuck at the moment.  I know I was, but this prompt helped me break out.  Woot!

Peace, Amy

#art #poetry #spring #now #sketches #coloredpencil #abcwednesday