Rich Guy Pyramid 001
Artwork © 2015 Amy Barlow

Rich White Guy Pyramid Scheme

Now you gaze fondly upon
your bread of life pyramid
filled with evidence of
those “special rights” you cherish

The right for your hubris to rule my life
The Right be right, the Left be damned
to burn in hell (at the intersection
of Wall Street and Walmart)

The real family values:
caring for children and elders,
keeping the whole family healthy,
ensuring a future for the children’s children

These values don’t make it
onto your pyramid
Unless they are your blood relations
and you can escape the inheritance tax

© 2015 Amy Barlow Liberatore/Sharp Little Pencil

Ah, it’s Open Link night at dverse, and Grace is tending the bar. Haven’t posted there in a long while, so come on over and sample the hors d’oeuvres! Also at Mrs. Nesbitt’s brainchild, ABC Wednesday, where Roger and friends are on the letter O (for One Percent!).  Peace, Amy