Amy Barlow Liberatore… stories of lost years, wild times, mental variety, faith, and lots of jazz

Tag Archives: Protests

Crowd protesters

True Colors of Madison

Now this was in months past, mind you
Whodathunk that this move would find you

midst masses of rowdy-sprout color
from the bloodred truth to the duller

Not one box yet unpacked, you hightailed
to the Capitol, there you right-railed

‘gainst the governor, Koch Brothers feaster
(though we failed to toss him on his keester)

For the sake of each other’s opinions
They had gathered, the Left and Right minions

And there, near the downtown Radisson,
you found the true colors of Madison.

© 2013 Amy Barlow Liberatore/Sharp Little Pencil

Hannah, promptress extraordinaire at Imaginary Garden With Real Toads, offered us rows and patchwork valleys of tulips for a colorful prompt. I do love flowers, but I found the best colors of my life at the 2012 Madison Pro-Union Protests… red, white, blue, and then some!  For me, color has a voice, and the more “colorful,” the more effective.  I did love the golden glow my camera managed to catch; even the slight blur belies action.

This pic shows an array of color – lots of “Badger Red,” as we are the Badger State and red is the color of our home teams. Then green for peace and any color each person could throw on as we ran out our doors downtown, to wage battle for union rights against a truly clueless, mouth-breathing governor. He prevailed for the time… but we will not be broken. Next election, he’s out on his precious Teapot, if the elections are not once again paid for by billionaires.

Leave it to me to take a peaceful, flower-y prompt and go all political on you. But hey, what did you expect? Black-Eyed Susans? This is me. Peace, Amy