Garden of Weeds

It can start with anything
A feather caught in a curling freefall
That cardinal pecking at my window

The random assemblage of spices
jumbled on the shelf – one tumbles me
awake, ablaze with cardamom coincidence

Mom’s spirit sharing coffee with me
telling stories from where she now resides
in heaven, and thisclose

Even bad memories stir me
dredge, sift, filtering through
my bones, seeping to the nerves

A prophet once told me that
love is everywhere
So is truth
So is pain
So is amazement
So is amusement
So is romance
So is anger…
despair …

So it’s time
to reach for my journal
and sprout another plant

for my garden of weeds

© 2012 Amy Barlow Liberatore/Sharp Little Pencil
For Poetic Bloomings, better late than never! Marie and Walt called for poems about SEEDS… seeds to plant, to nurture; seeds of poetry and other art… the beginning little “oomph” that pushes one to action.
Photo from Vishwasaha on WordPress. The PROPHET is named Marques Bovre, who also composed a lovely song called “Dandelion.” He’s been through cancer threatment and half the known world is praying for him. He’s on the upswing, but add him to YOUR list if you’re the praying type.  Peace, Amy