Migraine Final

The Migraine Speaks (much to my dismay)

Yes, that ball bearing behind your right eye
It is I
Thief of thoughts
Barbed-wire butchery
Trailing tacks and nails and
prickly pins
I’ll stick in your head
‘til you wish you were dead

I strike with little warning
and lots of retching and tears
and pulling of the blinds

I am your migraine
You are my prisoner
(until the meds kick in)

© 2013 Amy Barlow Liberatore/Sharp Little Pencil

I have not shared much in the way of my artwork, but lately I’ve taken up drawing as therapy. The picture above was drawn during a migraine, so it was quite a feat for me.

For Imaginary Garden With Real Toads’ Open Link Monday, plus dverse Open Mic, and ABC Wednesday later this week… “M” is for migraine.