Amy Barlow Liberatore… stories of lost years, wild times, mental variety, faith, and lots of jazz

Tag Archives: War on Women

Goldie Hawn in Huckabee’s… dreams

Dawgs, Nuns, Tits & Groooovy

Huckabee Hound for President?
We know cuz his book jest came out
Southern Dawg gonna show the
Yew Ess of A
what them values are all about
Specially all you wimmin

‘Nuns’ is the easy one, fer yer teens
Nun o’ this and nun o’ that
Cept is she goes to a frat party
Then it’s her fault fer bein a slut
(And you better keep that baby, girl)

‘Tits’ is even easier – the bigger they are
the more babies they kin feed
Not bad to look at neither

‘Groooovy?’ Mike wishes us girls’d
be like that little cutie Goldie Hawn
Not the Oscar-winning actress
Not the movie producer
The one with grafitti smeared on her
scanty-panty go-go dancin’ bod
Betty Boopin’ on Laugh-In

Swear to God, I saw it on that Kelly girl’s
FOX show, Huckabee said it on the air
Said all us wimmin shouldn’t swear and
his Southern- fried values include hootchie dancers
Mike’s Values = Deep Discounts for females

Seriously, I wonder if he knows he has a
teenage crush on a Jewish Buddhist
who has had several kids out of wedlock
and advocates for freedom of choice

Can’t you hear Goldie screaming,
“What the F***?”

© 2014 Amy Barlow Liberatore/Sharp Little Pencil

I’m back and, as usual, I’m irritated at politics of the Far Right Extremists.  Megyn Kelly, the Great Blonde Hope of FOX News, slammed Mike Huckabee during an interview promoting his book/presidential bid, God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy (I know, don’t get me started). She cut him off, saying that New York women not only swear but smoke, drink, and use contraceptives for their premarital sex. She had also previously “accidentally” referred to him as Mike F***abee” on the air (pretty obvious way to get the clip into cyberspace and boost her ratings.) That clip was run again, along with a clip of Hawn in the 60’s. Groooooan.

When you’re FOX, that’s edgy. When you are the rest of the world, you realize she’s not talking about casual hookups, smoking pot, lesbian or transgender women… or what the options are when the condom breaks or the Pill fails. And the women in question are undoubtedly white, probably tragically blonde, and definitely straight.

Huckabee is another buffoon, right up there with (my state’s governor) Scott Walker (AKA “Walkandchewgum,” thanks to the Solidarity Singers). Kind of Jerry Falwell without the Jaysus emphasis.

As for Goldie, she fought the Laugh-In stigma for years and has been open about the sexual harassment she endured in her early career. Sock it to him, Goldie.  And find this and many other diverse poems at Imaginary Garden With Real Toads’ Open Link!

© 2015 Amy Barlow Liberatore/Sharp Little Pencil

© Chelsea Bednar, used by permission for this posting only


Shards of a gender
Fragments of the feminine
Lacking evident wisdom
Made up for a mag

The desperate sound of
duller-colored cardinals
all together, singing a battered blues
Altogether shattered

Smatterings of health care
elusive as dust bunnies,
scattered like crumbs under
the White Man’s table

We long for freedom from
beauty measured in
facial symmetry, not in
the output of our brains

The Divine Sofia calls
The Painted Diva says
leave a message

© 2013 Amy Barlow Liberatore/Sharp Little Pencil

Artistic Interpretations with Margaret, at Imaginary Garden With Real Toads, wanted an ekphrastic piece based on the artwork of the insanely talented Chelsea Bednar, who granted us permission to use her work for this prompt. The challenge was to speak of how the piece made you feel, rather than inhabiting the subject.

This piece spoke to me of women’s declining civil rights today: Denied access to safe, doctor-performed abortion; often refused birth control because “the pharmacy owner doesn’t believe in it.” We are half the species, under attack, including the late, lamented ERA. Look at the picture: The Pale Stale Males took a hammer to this mirror image. Keep your lamps trimmed and burning, sisters. The time is coming when… Peace, Amy

Mama Zen at Real Toads asked for a 20-word synopsis of the election results; ABC Wednesday asked for poems about the letter Q. Short and sweet today… very sweet, in fact! Also at my poetic polling place, Poets United.

Quick Recap of Quirky Election

Some clues
to amuse:

No horses, only gardens.
Women keep reproductive freedom.
Neither of the First Couple dye their hair
But there’s still war.

© 2012 Amy Barlow Liberatore/Sharp Little Pencil

Little Lajwanti Lost (Brothels of India)

Plucked from family tree
nowhere near ripe
Sold to brothel
Dignity denied
She aches, lacerated
Beaten if she says “no”
Infected if she says “yes”
Enslaved since she was five

© 2012 Amy Barlow Liberatore/Sharp Little Pencil

I saw a PBS special last night that changed my life. Although the perpetrators of violence against women in this film are mostly dark-skinned, it’s not a racist film – those who know me understand I’m open and outspoken about my own childhood sexual abuse, and we have plenty of work to do around the unearned shame of victims and survivors Stateside. This is about girls in Asia and Africa who lack support of any kind, who through no fault of their own are disowned by families after being raped, who are sold by families or total strangers into prostitution… and the brave women and men who risk all to come to their defense.

“Lajwanti” is a Hindi name that means “a sensitive plant.” I chose the name for the specific irony of the fate of mostly lower-caste girls. The sex slave trade in India is protected by local police bribery and fought by a lion-hearted woman named Somaly, who as a young girl was sold into slavery and now runs a refuge for the girls they are able to spring from the brothels. She says, “They are me.”

The PBS special about the film, Half The Sky, is not to be viewed with popcorn and brewskis. It is a brutally frank account of violence against women, from culturally sanctioned rape to girls as young as five sold into prostitution worldwide. From the brothels of India to the rape of girls as young as two years old in Sierra Leone (where to “devirginize” a girl is a matter of pride for the man), this film also shows some real-life heroines who deserve our support. Please click the link above to learn more.

There are stars, beginning with George Clooney’s commentary, along with several female stars traveling to witness and comfort the rescued girls. A tremendous scene: A former prostitute who was rescued, now aged 15, confronting a roomful of men and quizzing them on why condoms are useful. She even shows them how to open the packet without damaging the contents and looks them straight in the eye. Like I said, lion-hearted women.

If you want to help this vital movement on behalf of half the world’s population, visit THIS LINK.

As a “little white suburban girl” who was used for sex by her own father, I can tell you this: Look behind the siding of houses in your own neighborhood. Men who use girls (and boys) without conscience are everywhere, often trusted family friends or family members, scout leaders, upstanding clergy, teachers…

I am eternally grateful for this prompt, from Imaginary Garden With Real Toads, where Mama Zen asked for a poetic drama in 30 words or less, and Roger at ABC Wednesday (L). Also at my safe haven, Poets United.

Peace, Amy

Comes the Revolution…
(For Riley)

Comes the revolution,
I want you in my trench.

Comes the day we say “No more!”
I want you at my side.

I schooled you on our rights;
you’re steeped in the shameful history

of slavery, of suffrage, of civil rights denied,
of how it’s always someone else’s turn

to be not white enough, not male enough,
not straight enough, not American enough;

to be trod upon, to be spat upon
especially via metaphor and the airwaves.

You, a Jew raised in the U.C.C.
(Upfront, Confrontational Christians!)

In your blood, remnants of the Holocaust;
in your training, social justice for all.

That pedigree makes for speaking truth to power,
for passion, for radical, unconditional love.

This revolution will be
one of words, not weapons

Only the undereducated run out of words,
falling back on hate speech and violence.

Though their sound bytes nip at our heels,
we will not run. We will turn and debate.

Comes the revolution, our trench will be
filled with books, journals, and understanding.

So keep sharp your mind, daughter mine
because the revolution is at our door:

The War on Women – our rights,
our bodies, our station, our future.

What we do now is “not for ourselves alone,”
but for all females in generations to come.

We claim our right as citizens of the world
to be who we are, love who we may, and

figure out for our selves what is best
when put to the test of The Pink Stick Follies.

© 2012 Amy Barlow Liberatore/Sharp Little Pencil

For Sunday Scribblings, Revolution – and for dverse Open Mic Night. Also “in the margin” on Poets United. Also for Trifecta: Radical.

The quote “Not For Ourselves Alone” is usually attributed to Elizabeth Cady Stanton, but its first usage came from a man, Marcus Tullius Cicero: “Non nobis solum nati sumus. (Not for ourselves alone are we born.)”

NOTE: When Riley was a senior in high school, I wrote a piece for her yearbook, as did many parents. Mine included the phrase, “Comes the revolution, I want you in my trench.” Since then, she has come out, moved West, entered an art institute, and continues to blossom. Happy birthday, beba.

It seems quite ironic that we are indeed on the verge of an actual revolution, and the stakes could not be higher. We are lucky to have so many enlightened men alongside us in the fight. Let’s hope that the “White is Right and Women Should Shut the Hell Up” militias disband… due to pressure from their mothers!